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16th Annual WGI Zebbie Awards – New Submissions Platform Opens Thursday, 22nd June

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Writing a TV Pilot Script Webinar

What makes a TV pilot script stand out? Read More

Anti-Bias and Anti-Racism Seminar & Networking Event 

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Solidarity Goes Global

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International Day of Solidarity – June 14, 2023

Take a look at see the world's screenwriters (including ourselves!) turn out to support the WGA. Read More

Irish Writers Support the WGA

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Screenwriters Everywhere: A Day of Global Solidarity

On June 14th, members of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE), International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG), UNI Global Union (UNI-MEI), and other supporters will hold events around the world for Screenwriters Everywhere, a day of global solidarity and action. Read More

Screenwriters Everywhere – a global day of action

WGI Chair Jennifer Davidson Calls On Members To Be A Part Of A Global Day Of Action. Read More

Documentary Theatre: New Perspectives and Practices

Documentary Theatre: New Perspectives and Practices is a 1-day symposium event which will bring together eminent researchers in the field of documentary theatre to discuss… Read More

Women, Ageing and the Screen Industries: Falling off a Cliff?

WFT Ireland is hosting a live online discussion with Chair Equality Committee WGI & Chair WFT Ireland Dr. Susan Liddy. Read More