Too busy writing (not writing!) to keep up with writer-specific news and events? It’s okay, we’ve done it for you. From funding deadlines, broadcaster submissions and the latest commissions, to who’s hiring and when we’re meeting-up next? If it’s happening in the writerverse, we’ll make sure you know about it.
Short Film Exchange at The Galway Film Fleadh
Offering live-action fiction Short Film Writers, Writer/ Directors, and Producers an exclusive opportunity to connect through one-on-one meetings
Screenplay Development Loans
Supports experienced writers/directors to write a live action or animated feature film
Bloomsday Film Festival
Ireland’s most literary film festival will run between the 11th – 16th June.
Aligning with Flow: Creative Development Retreat
Screen Ireland and Aligning With Flow are seeking writers, composers and creatives with current projects in development, interested in taking part in a unique 4-day creativity retreat.
Global Guidelines for Generative AI Use in Animated Television Development and Production
9 Story Media Group and Brown Bag Films have launched their initial guidelines for using global generative AI in animated television development and production.
The Abbey Theatre presents Time To Write
A monthly gathering for playwrights and performance makers working on a writing project.
Scripts, Irelands Playwriting Festival
Dedicated to new Irish plays—the writing of them, the development and nurturing of them.
Professional toolkit
Dive into our resource-hub of expert tips, insights and advice; a better class of writerly displacement.
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