FSE Online Meeting on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has rather abruptly catch all attention in the media and in most conversations on creation, creativity, copyright, artists, freedom of expression, etc. raising both fears and incredible opportunities.
David Kavanagh, FSE executive officer, proposed to the organisations composing the “Authors Group”, as well as to a few other organisations, to exchange views on this issue, in the frame of the AI Act (EU Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence). This exchange resulted in a joint statement which you can read here:
« Artificial Intelligence and the AI Act: a joint statement from authors’ and performers’ organisations »
Both FSE and FERA – representing directors, are working together to define how to publicly tackle the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the audiovisual sector and the professions of screenwriter and director.
In order to prepare common strategies, we are very much looking forward to discussing this issue first with the FSE member guilds. We propose a first meeting, which we want to be informal, opened to anyone in your guild who is interested by the issue, to start collecting views on challenges and dangers, concrete experiences, proposals, etc.
Everyone interested is welcome to join the online meeting on Tuesday 28 March from 10:30 to 12:00 CET.
No need to register in advance.
Here is the link to join the meeting: