Two New Appointments to the Board of the Abbey Theatre

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, has today announced two new appointments to the Board of the Abbey Theatre;
• Mr. Risteard Sheridan
• Mr. Nicholas Basden
The two appointees will each serve a four-year term.
Commenting on the appointments, Minister Martin, said:
“I am delighted to announce the appointment of two new members to the Board of the Abbey Theatre, each bringing a wealth of specialist knowledge and experience. I am very grateful to both appointees for offering their skills and expertise. I wish both well during their term.”
Ms Frances Ruane, Chair of the Abbey Board, said:
“I am delighted to welcome Nicholas and Risteard to the board of the Abbey Theatre – both bring a wealth of experience and I greatly look forward to working with them over the years to come. The Abbey Theatre is at a really exciting juncture as it progresses the development of a new national theatre infrastructure and the creation of a new strategy for the future of Ireland’s national theatre. Nicholas’s and Risteard’s insights across culture, diversity, business and finance will be invaluable to these processes. We are grateful to Minister Martin for her support of the theatre and to her department officials for conducting the process leading to these appointments, which completes the recruitment process of a full board of 11 members.”
The appointments follow a public call for applications on