Irish Language Development Funds

TG4, Screen Ireland and Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund have announced a range of new Irish language development funds, aimed at supporting new & emerging talent.
Céim Eile is aimed at developing TV scripted drama, Tús will support short filmmakers and a new factual short film scheme is also in the pipeline.
A one-off pilot scheme Céim Eile welcomes applications for development for scripted single episode dramas of 30-minute duration with investment of €420,000. Eight projects will be shortlisted with a development fund of €15,000 each. Three projects will then be chosen for production with a budget of €100,000 each. Submissions for Céim Eile scheme are required to have fluent Irish speakers whilst supporting a diversity of talent from different backgrounds and communities. Applicants must form a partnership with an experienced production company as part of the submission with the means to bring the film to fruition both in development and production stages.
Closing date for applications to TG4 – 5pm Monday 26th September 2022
A Scripted Short Film Initiative Tús 2022 was also announced. The aim of this joint initiative, ‘Tús’ (meaning start) is to encourage, nurture and promote original drama in the Irish language and to support diverse creative voices le Gaeilge at an early stage in their careers. The scheme aims to develop drama shorts between 10 and 12 minutes in duration.
Ten ideas will be shortlisted in Tús 2022 and will each receive development fee of €3,000. Three of those shortlisted will be produced with a budget of €30,000 each.
A factual shorts initiative was also announced.
Further details here.