
Irish Filmmakers Supporting International Filmmakers – Ukraine Appeal


The Irish Filmmakers Fundraising for Filmmakers in Crisis have issued the following appeal:

We are calling on the Irish Film and Television Industry to help us support the filmmaking community directly affected by the war in Ukraine. We are looking to support those staying to document the war as well as helping those fleeing the conflict.

What can you do to help?

1. Click the donate button below and send money directly to those filmmakers on the front line of this war. DONATE HERE

2. Support our Market Stall. 

We are seeking donations of high-end designer clothes and movie memorabilia for a one-off stall at the re-opened Dublin Vintage Flea Market in the Digital Hub, Dublin 8. March 20th 11.00 – 18.00

Collection Point: 54 Mountjoy Square, (basement) Dublin 1. 

Collection Dates:

Sunday March 13th 11.00-13.00, 

Tuesday March 15th 09.00-16.00, 

Weds March 16th 09.00-16.00.

3. Set up your own charity fundraiser and donate towards helping our filmmaking community in Europe. Let us know here.

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