Arts Council Theatre Funding Clinics
Each clinic will give a general overview of the Theatre Policy, Arts Council funding structure, and how to make a good application.

The Theatre Team is holding a series of theatre funding clinics in January and February over Zoom as there are several funding opportunities coming up in the first quarter of 2022.
- Thursday 6th January 11:00-12:00– Touring and Dissemination of Work
- Wednesday 19th January 11:00-12:00– Agility, Bursary, Markievicz, and Theatre Schemes
- Wednesday 26th January 11:00-12:00 – Arts Grant Funding
- Thursday 10th February 11:00-12:00 – Projects, Theatre Artist Residency Scheme, Theatre Resource & Development Scheme
Each clinic will also give a general overview of the Theatre Policy, Arts Council funding structure, and how to make a good application. Please RSVP to Katie at [email protected] and please send on any questions you may have in advance.