
We’ve been talking about this so long we’re boring ourselves: but at last, it’s here. Our brand new website.
To be honest, we’re still putting out the virtual furniture so bear with us a while, won’t you? That said, go take a good look around. We hope you’ll like what we’ve done to the place. Big thanks to Maura McHugh for her early advice, our website sub-committee Catherine Maher, Paul Fitzsimons and Jennifer Davidson for their guidance on editorial direction, web developer Joe Czucha and our brilliant designer Clara Fitzgerald.
There’s a couple of things we need you to do. Like moseying over to the ‘My account’ button and create a password to log in with. Though the first month is free, you’ll need to put in your payment details to guarantee continued access to all our best bits from January on.
Most importantly, take advantage of our new ‘Writing Talent In Ireland’ directory where you can make yourself findable by producers.
And after all that, drop us a line and let us know what you think.
Hugh Farley