This is my archive


BBC Ignite

Looking for fresh, bold and innovative TV series ideas for a fully funded development opportunity. Read More

Activate Residency Programme

Bursaries and short term residencies at Backstage Theatre. Read More

CQAF Launches Creative Bursary Scheme

Belfast's Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival has announced new Bursary awards for artists working Theatre. Read More

TV Pilot Script Scheme

A new tv pilot script scheme for writers without agency representation. Read More

Orchard Project’s TV/Episodic Lab

Allows a cohort of writers to work together and interact with industry guests to advance the development of their pilots. Read More

Grass Routes

A new initiative to help UK writers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds kickstart their careers. Read More

The Emelie Fitzgibbon Bursary

Are you a writer, artist or theatre maker with a special interest in creating for young audiences? Read More

Writing & Showrunning for Animated Series: The US Model with Tony Gama-Lobo

A three-day writers' room programme. Read More

Pan Pan’s 11th International Mentorship Programme

Pan Pan welcome Julian Hetzel as a mentor for 2024 to work with up to five performance makers based in Ireland to develop early-stage ideas for contemporary performance projects. Read More

UK International Audio Drama Festival

Entries are now invited for full length and short form work in any language and from any country. Read More