This is my archive


FLOURISH presents: Developing A Festival Strategy

How you make your film ‘festival fit’ and how to optimise your chances of success in what is an extremely competitive arena. Read More

Promoting Female Writers in the Business with WGI Chair Jennifer Davidson

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good tension – Dramaturgy Sessions 

Are you looking for someone to discuss your work with in depth? Read More

Screen Stories : Getting Disabled Writers in the Room

Seeking up to five emerging writing talents. Read More

Screen Stories : Getting Disabled Writers in the Room

Seeking up to five emerging writing talents with demonstrable experience. Read More

Intellectual Property Development Workshop

Sessions will go over sample pitches and go through a concise development process. Read More

Free 1-hour Screenwriting101 Zoom Classes

Covering the basics of story development, scriptwriting and entry into the industry. Read More

Empowering the Artist Workshops

Free Zoom workshops on key topics essential for a self-producing artist or early career producer. Read More

100 pages in 10 weeks: Screenwriting Workshop

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Writer’s Workshop: Exploring Classical Greek Drama

The Abbey Theatre is  hosting a two-hour workshop on the lessons playwrights can draw from the tradition of classical Greek drama. Read More