Emma O’Kane Bursary

The Emma O’Kane Bursary (www.emmaokanebursary.ie) is an award for independent artists who want to think beyond the boundaries of their art form and practice and to explore dance or a physical language in their work.
The Emma O’Kane Bursary is open to artists of all types and talents. It honours the exceptional ethos and artistic practice of artist Emma O’Kane who died in 2021. It brings together Anu Productions, CoisCéim Dance Theatre, Crash Ensemble, Dublin Dance Festival, Fishamble: The New Play Company, Pavilion Theatre, Project Arts Centre The Ark, Dublin and a number of independent professionals. It was set up with a Collaborative Capacity Building Award from the The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon in 2021 and is funded entirely by donation.
Application Deadline: 10th January 2025.
Deatails: https://www.emmaokanebursary.ie/applynow