Torino SeriesLab & SeriesLab Story Editing

Training course designed for international teams of writers and producers willing to develop original and commercially viable TV series projects, and for TV and film professionals interested in being trained as story editors.
SeriesLab is the annual programme, aimed at developing innovative and marketable international fiction TV series projects.
The lab stands out for involving all the main playersconnected to TV series production – scriptwriters, producers, distributors, broadcasters and so on – and for offering a close link between scriptwriting process and TV industry.
SeriesLab is addressed to teams of writers and producers (or writers, directors andproducers) from Europe, and also for international teams working on a TV Series project with the potential of European co-production. The programme is open to up to 9 projects and foresees 3 residential workshops taking place over a period of 6 months, along with some online sessions between each module.
SeriesLab Story Editing is a hands-on training for audiovisual professionals who want to work with writers, writer-directors and their producers in the development stage of their fiction TV series projects. The aim of the programme is to provide an insight into the development process of a fiction TV series – focusing on the early concept development stage.
The 3 selected participants will work under the guidance of a story editing tutor with a wide international experience as story consultant on TV series projects.
Besides the theoretical training, each participant joins a specific group, which involves 3 projects, selected from the SeriesLab programme, and is guided by a tutor – who alongside with the story editing tutor will guide the story editor trainees and give feedback on the specific work made with each project.
Details here.
The deadline to apply is 10th January 2025