
Tús 2024 & Céim Eile 2024

TG4 have announced two new short film initiatives.

TG4 have announced two new short film initiatives.

Tús 2024
Short Film Script Initiative for New Writers & Creators from Ireland (12 min maximum)
The aim of this joint initiative, ‘Tús’, is to encourage, foster and promote new drama in Irish and to support various Irish speaking creative voices at an early stage of their careers, including a ‘Súil Eile’ approach.

Céim Eile 2024
Half – Hour Short Film Script Initiative for New Writers & Creators from Ireland
(25 – 30 mins)
The aim of this joint initiative, ‘Céim Eile’, is to encourage emerging Irish speaking talent. Fluent Irish speakers must be confirmed in project submissions. 

Open for submissions until 3pm Monday 9th September 2024. 

Details here.

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