
Researcher Seeks Interviewees

Chris Butler, a Master’s student at Erasmus University Rotterdam, is currently writing his thesis on the experiences of film and television industry workers in the face of potential financial investment in the Irish film industry from corporate entities and international bodies.

Chris Butler, a Master’s student at Erasmus University Rotterdam, is currently writing his thesis on the experiences of film and television industry workers in the face of potential financial investment in the Irish film industry from corporate entities and international bodies. His research will examine how this has affected the individual experiences of industry workers and whether it has positively or negative affected their outlook on the potential of the respective industries.

Chris is looking to sit down with any freelance or contracted members to get their thoughts on this topic, in the form of an interview. The interview will take approximately between 45 and 60 minutes, and can be conducted via zoom. The option will be given for the interviewee to remain completely anonymous in the finished paper itself, where any further identifiable personal information will be anonymised. In addition, interviewees will be given the chance to review the finished transcript, where any material or content that they are unsatisfied with will be removed at their request. 

Any and all time given would be greatly appreciated. 


Email: [email protected]

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