AIR Programme Residencies

In 2024 Roscommon Arts Centre will offer two residency opportunities under the “AIR Programme” through an Open Call.
Residency 1. The first residency seeks to connect with a ‘new voice’, an artist/collective with the seeds of an idea or project, in the early stages of their practice, who would benefit from receiving support to further develop the project.
Residency 2. The second residency will offer an opportunity to an established artist/collective to develop/progress an already existing idea/project/body of work and who would benefit from time and space in a studio/workshop setting with access to mentored support and resources with a possible view to applying for a Project or similar Arts Council award or which may be considered for support in 2025 directly by Roscommon Arts Centre.
Both residencies will take place over a two-month period, commencing in Summer 2024 and include an artist fee and an allowance towards travel/accommodation. A minimum of four weeks of the residency must be spent on site at Roscommon Arts Centre.
Details here.
Closing date for applications: 3pm, Thursday 23rd May 2024