Ella Skolimowski • Unhooked

Ella Skolimowski’s play Unhooked is playng at Smock Alley 1- 6 April 2024.
Ella is offering members access to an early booking discount – 2 tickets for €28 – using the code GETUNHOOKED (valid until March 18th.
Tickets here
“Once you’ve hit rock bottom, the only place to go is, erm…round in a circle.”
Look, I’ve almost recovered, I’m going to group therapy. I. Am. Doing. The. Work. So what’s the harm in downloading a dating app? In going on just one little date?
Alright, I’ll admit, it’s not exactly what they tell us to do in the sex and love addicts group – but what do they know?! Margaret’s supposed to be our chair, but she only turns up when the off license is closed. Des hasn’t looked at a woman since he found a copy of Readers’ Wives in a railway carriage and got beaten so hard by the Brothers he still has the welts. And Tara…well I don’t know. She leaves me on read. And don’t get me started on a Higher Power. I’ve got words to have with Him. I did not deserve this test. My point is, if we all waited until we were emotionally stable and happy and healthy before we got into a relationship: no one would go out with anyone, would they?! And then wouldn’t life be dull??? I think you know what I mean.
Do you know what I mean? And if you do, what did you do about it? How did you get…unhooked?