Arts Council welcomes the Basic Income for Arts initial report

The Arts Council welcomes the report on the Basic Income for Artists issued by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media today. The report, based on six months of data from the pilot scheme, marks a significant milestone in understanding the challenges and aspirations of artists in Ireland.
The first six months of the Basic Income for Arts pilot scheme show positive outcomes – artists have been enabled to focus on their work and invest in their practice, and they are experiencing increased well-being. The report reflects the Arts Council’s ongoing advocacy for fair artist pay and underscores the need for sustaining Ireland’s vibrant arts community.
The findings emphasise the importance of having this information as it reveals gaps in income and highlights that artists are engaged in a high level of unpaid work. The data bears out other research relating to the financial challenges of artists and also the practical experience of the Arts Council where the need and demand for funding has trebled in many areas since 2020.
The Arts Council’s policy Paying the Artist states that “the underpaid or unpaid contributions of artists represent a hidden subsidy to the cultural life of Ireland” and advocates that the fair and equitable remuneration of artists is prioritised.
The Arts Council is committed to working with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media on future-focused development in this critical area.
Maureen Kennelly, Director of the Arts Council, said:
“We welcome the first review of the Basic Income for Arts scheme. The scheme is a transformative step towards empowering our artistic community. This initiative recognises the vital role of artists in shaping our cultural narrative and provides them with the financial stability they need in order to build viable careers. Given the scale of demand, there is now a pressing need to increase investment in our artists, so that we support their ability to work and that we nurture a more vibrant, diverse, and resilient arts landscape for the benefit of society as a whole.”
The Arts Council, with the aid of Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, is committed to promoting and supporting the arts, ensuring a thriving cultural landscape in Ireland. Initiatives, such as the Basic Income for Artists scheme, aim to create a sustainable environment in which artists can flourish and the public have the widest possible access to artistic excellence.
The reports into the arts sector have compiled from data collected from BIA pilot participants and are available here and here.
The first Impact Assessment (6-month) of the Basic Income Pilot Scheme is also published today and is available here.
Image Tamara Gak