
Boosting Impact 

A European residency and a training program for ermerging screenwriters,

Boosting Impact is a European residency and a training program for ermerging screenwriters, co-created by the European Screenwriters Society and the European Writers Club

Boosting Impact has the following objectives: 

(1) To put emerging writers in touch with more experienced, mentoring screenwriters all around Europe on writing TV series projects to boost their professional integration.

(2) To promote young talents and European co-production. 

etween April and September 20246 selected emerging screenwriters will participate in two one-week camps in Madrid and Hamburg and a pitch conference in Copenhagen

They will be paired with two senior Screenwriters among a European team and immerged on their writing project. 

Meanwhile, they will work in pairs, with the help of a tutor to develop another TV series project, also pitched in Copenhagen.  

Aapplication form [Application form – Mentorship program EWC x CES – Google Forms]

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