
Have your Say! Pay and Conditions for Arts & Health Projects

Creating good practice guidelines that will improve pay and conditions for artists and creative producers working on arts and health projects.

Réalta, the national body for arts and health in Ireland is partnering with Arts and Health Coordinators Ireland (AHCI) to create good practice guidelines that will improve pay and conditions for artists and creative producers working on arts and health projects. The guidelines are being funded by the Arts Council.

To make the case for better pay and conditions, they need artists and creative producers who have worked on arts and health projects, now or in the past, to complete this survey:

Information about the guidelines and the survey here:

The evidence collected in the survey is anonymous and will be used to inform and support the guidelines.

The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

The more responses they get, the more evidence they will have to support good practice in the arts and health sector.

The deadline for responses is Sunday 22nd October.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email Emma Eager from Réalta:  [email protected]

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