Adapt Your Stage Play for TV

Some of the most successful TV Dramas, in recent years, have been adapted from the stage. In this short course, in a small group of your peers working with Eilish, in an online environment (Zoom), you will explore your stage play for adaptation onto the screen.
Eilish Kent has 25 years’ experience, identifying, commissioning, and developing projects for TV.
She will look at elements common to contemporary series, to identify what commissioners look for, for their audiences. She will guide your process of identifying areas of your work to focus on to translate and replicate for the screen. Paying particular attention to genre and format, we will look at building the world of the story for the screen and generating story.
After three taught sessions, you will write a series pitch for your project, give and receive peer feedback in the group and receive one to one feedback from Eilish.
By the end of this course you will have a deeper understanding of how to explore your ideas for TV and how to present those ideas in a one page pitch.
Session dates:
Monday 9th October 2023, 7 – 9:30pm
Monday 16th October 2023, 7 – 9:30pm
Monday 23rd October 2023, 7 – 9:30pm
Break of two weeks to work on your project and read each other’s pitches.
Monday 7th November 2023, 7 – 10pm
Individual feedback sessions will be arranged in that week.
Who can apply
WGI members who have had at least one stage play they wrote produced, performed or given a staged reading.
As this course has an EDI focus (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), priority will be given to members from under-represented communities (see item number 3 in ‘How to Apply’)
How to apply
Deadline for applications: Monday 2nd October 5pm
To apply, email Holly at: [email protected]
In your email, please include the following:
1) Your brief bio including your scriptwriting credits (max. 500 words).
2) A brief statement (max. 100 words) explaining why you wish to do this course.
3) Please indicate if you belong to a community which is under-represented because of gender, ethnicity, disability, age, religion, language or socio-economic factors.
4) Your email address and mobile number.
5) Include ‘Adapt Your Stage Play for TV’ in the subject line of your email.
Selected participants will be notified by Thursday 5th October
WGI gratefully acknowledges the support of Coimisiún na Meán for this course.