Pilot Programmes for Players and Makers With Darren Yorke

Darren Yorke is running two programmes: Spirit Guides and Making Senses.
Programme #1
Spirit Guides
September 11th – 15th (10am–2pm)
This programme explores how we are and what we experience in five aspects of being. The intention is not to teach anyone what they need to know about improvisation, but to facilitate discoveries of Mind, Heart, Body and Soul in the connecting spirit of play.
- MON 11TH The Spirit of Play — fail-safe, friendly, fun, and fearless.
- TUE 12TH Open Minds — effortless, egoless, curious, and spontaneous.
- WED 13TH Unruly Hearts — irrational, unreasonable, and unpredictable.
- THU 14TH Busy Bodies — impulsive, supportive, dynamic, and inspiring.
- FRI 15TH Soul Searchers — truth, matter, meaning, and staying power.
Programme #2
Making Senses
September 18th – 22nd (10am–2pm)
This programme explores how life happens and what our role is in big picture stories and microcosmic scenes. This won’t be a formulaic process. It’s about understanding the nature of Story, Self, Status, Space, Scene, and Style, and developing intuitions as makers at play.
- MON 18TH Story…
- TUE 19TH Self…
- WED 20TH Status…
- THU 21ST Space…
- FRI 22ND Scene…
Please RSVP to [email protected] by Mon 25th August, outlining which programme(s) or intensive workshop(s) you’d be interested in and available for.
More information here: Pilot Programmes with Darren Yorke