Making The Case For More Money
The Audiovisual Levy Group made the case to the Joint Oireachtas Committee for levying the profits of streamers to make more Irish content. Will it make a difference? Hopefully.

WGI is part of the Audiovisual Levy Group that has been campaigning for the introduction of a levy on streamers’ profits earned from Irish subscriptions.
We have been lobbying for changes in the Online Media Regulation Act that will lead – we hope – to an additional €20 million flowing into Development and production of TV content. Yesterday, Sarah Glennane (Screen Composers Ireland) and James Hickey (Eurpean Producers Club and former CEO of Screen Ireland) represented the group at a Joint Oireachtas Committee meeting.
You can watch their contribution here (skip to 16 min 22 sec in for when it starts);
And if you have an Irish Times subscription , you can read about it here: