Co-production Agreement Signed between France and Ireland

WGI was honoured to witness the signing of the new Irish-French Co-production treaty in Paris which will create new opportunities for Irish writers.
If a project is certified as an official co-production, it is effectively regarded as a national production in each of the co-producing territories. Under this Agreement, the Irish production will be eligible to benefit from local territory benefits in France (for example, access to tax incentives, regional subsidies and the local distribution market).
The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, said:
“The signing of this Co-Production Agreement will lead to benefits for the industry in Ireland and will incentivise work between our two film industries. The bilateral basis of the Agreement allows for cultural stories to be told across both territories, recognising our shared values and opening up access to a wider talent pool based in both France and Ireland. There is great potential now to deepen the cultural conversation between Ireland and France further and create further employment opportunities.”