
Exploring and Thinking Award 2023

A collaborative framework for early childhood arts in the Dublin region.

Exploring and Thinking is a collaborative framework for early childhood arts in the Dublin region. It came about in 2016 when the four local authorities South Dublin County, Fingal County, Dublin City and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County partnered for the first time to collectively consider early childhood arts provision in the Dublin region.


  • To support artistic ambition in cross-artform collaborations, professional development and the research and development of new work in early childhood arts
  • To reach new early childhood arts audiences in under-served communities and neighbourhoods
  • To stimulate dialogue between Dublin Local Authorities, artists, early childhood educators and organisations
  • To build on current research investigating practice across artforms, professional disciplines and context
  • To generate advocacy in early childhood arts


  • Access with an emphasis on under-served communities and neighbourhoods
  • Quality of practice that is evidence and standards based
  • Positive impact on artistic practice and the wider early childhood sector
  • Focus on Artist that is responsive to emerging and established practitioners
  • Sustainability with actions that are achievable, realistic and measurable

Closing date for receipt of applications
2pm — 12th December 2022

Further details here

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