CBW Workshop #4

CBW Workshop #4 is the fourth workshop of a series of six, which will focus on Common priorities for transnational aspects of collective bargaining.
This workshop is part of the joint project “Strengthening Collective Bargaining for Audiovisual Creators”, co-organised by FERA, FSE and Uni MEI. Together they have already organised three online workshops for FERA and FSE members, two webinars, drafted a tool kit, engaged work with a researcher and a webdesigner to create a database on the transposition of the Copyright Directive and of collective bargaining agreements, initiated a European-level dialogue on the implementation of the Directive on Copyright in the DSM provisions of Title IV, Chapter III with organisations representing producers and broadcasters, not to mention numerous project team meetings and meetings with experts to prepare the contents of these actions.
Download the Programme here.
Common priorities for transnational aspects of collective bargaining
To get the online meeting log-in details, please register first here.
Documents relating the CBW project previous activities & workshops are accessible here:
Summary WS #1 : https://federationscreenwriters.eu/fera-fse-uni-mei-online-workshop-from-representation-to-bargaining-engaging-the-members-base/
Summary WS #2 : https://federationscreenwriters.eu/fera-fse-uni-mei-hold-second-online-workshop-building-a-collective-bargaining-campaign/
Documents : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/90aa2lmo294yoqe/AABSe5uDd71MpzAup5oce4_xa?dl=0