Theatre Workshop for Women and Non Binary Migrants, Second Gen Migrants and Ethnic Minorities

The GALPAL Collective are looking for women and non binary migrants, second gen migrants and ethnic minorities aged 18-30 to take part in a free verbal and non verbal theatre workshop. Through a variety of activities throughout the day they hope to empower people to embrace their creative side in a safe and encouraging environment. This is open to everyone regardless of abilities and experience.
The free workshop will be taking place on the 15th of October in Rua Red Arts Center, Tallaght, Dublin 24. It will run from 13:30 – 18:00 with breaks and food provided.
This workshop is being run by Culture Goes Europe, and Eurobug International in collaboration with The GALPAL Collective as part of ‘Theatre as a Collective Language” and “Bridges Not Walls: Migration in Dialogue”
Any enquires please feel free to contact us at either [email protected] or [email protected]