Dramaturgy Now

Dramaturgs’ Network Ireland is hosting a lively afternoon of debate and discussion on the versatile and diverse role of the dramaturg in Irish theatre making.
The session will feature artists who were part of the DRAMATURGY NOW project, funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, providing ten paid dramaturgy mentorships across Ireland. Dramaturgs and mentees will share what they got up to in these in-depth conversations and practice sessions. Conversation will include Hanna Slattne & Eadaoin O’Donohgue followed by Thomas Conway & Ronan Dempsey.
To end the afternoon, the Dramaturgs’ Network Ireland is thrilled to host ‘Dramaturgy in Collaborative Theatre-making’, a talk by dramaturg, writer and academic Sarah Sigal, based on her book with the same name.
This open discussion is designed to invigorate and strengthen dramaturgical practice, and allow us to reflect on future projects.
Free event, tickets available from Smock Alley Box Office www.smockalley.com
Timetable In the Banquet Hall, Smock Alley Theatre.
2-2.30pm Meet and Great coffee and tea.
2.30 Intro to project Pamela McQueen & Aoife Spillane Hinks
2.45 -3.15 Mentorship sharing with Hanna Slattne & Eadaoin O’Donoghue
3.15-3.45 Mentorship sharing with Thomas Conway and Ronan Dempsey
Each case study is a pairing in conversation 15 minutes /15 minutes discussion questions from the audience.
3.45-4pm Comfort break
4-5pm Sarah Sigal intro and presentation
‘Dramaturgy in Collaborative Theatre-making’
5-5.30pm Q&A with Sarah