Gaeltacht Residency and Bursary

MEITHEAL Plean Teanga Chléire, Comharchumann Chléire Teoranta and Scoil Naisiúnta Chléire are seeking expressions of interest from professional practicing artists working in any discipline with a primary school aged child or children for a unique and exciting opportunity; to live and work on the beautiful Gaeltacht island.
Expressions of interest are invited from artists who are committed to developing or working in the Irish language.
A bursary of €10000 will be provided, housing to match the family’s specific needs, tailored support and studio space.
The Residency will follow the school year and take place on Cape Clear Island between September 2022 and June 2023. Artists must be based in the Republic of Ireland and be willing to be resident on Cape Clear for the duration of the engagement to be eligible for this award.
If you are interested please complete this short form or send an email to [email protected] to arrange a call to discuss.