
Goat Films – Comedy Pilot Competition

Seeking talented writers looking for a way to break into the industry.

Goat Films is launching a Comedy Pilot Script Competition!

They are on the lookout for talented writers looking for a way to break into the industry. It’s free to enter and comes with the following prizes:

  • 1st prize – Option Offer (further details in their Terms and Conditions)
  • 2nd Prize – Free Script Coverage – includes a full reading of your script and a detailed report covering all aspects of your script and providing constructive feedback on for example what worked well and how it can be improved.
  • 3rd Prize – Social Media Shoutout – a personal shout out to the 3rd prize winner on their social media channels

The competition is now open. The closing date for scripts is 1st July 2022 with the winners announced soon after.

Entries can be submitted by e-mailing [email protected]

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