Arts in Healthcare Commission

With the support of the Creative Ireland Programme, the Irish Hospice Foundation will offer commissions for artists to develop new creative work in support of the health and wellbeing of healthcare staff in the HSE.
The HSE employs, about 110,000 in Ireland. Those who work regularly with dying, death and bereavement could be in any part of the country doing emotionally demanding work. Their working days might be time poor and irregular. How can artists create something of value, useful and meaningful for these people, taking into consideration the time pressures of staff and scale of the HSE? Could this be something people might carry around in their pocket, reach for on a tea break, share with colleagues? Could it be a distraction, a moment of beauty, an exercise, recipe, manifesto, a wish for making wellbeing? A fifteen-minute workshop for one person perhaps?
Irish Hospice Foundation is offering four commissions of €2,500 for artists plus a materials budget. The project will be developed with the Arts and Creative Engagement Production team at IHF. Artists and IHF will liaise with the relevant HSE teams and staff throughout.
Key Dates
Closing Date for applications: Wednesday April 20th 2022 at 5pm
Announcements: Applicants will be notified week beginning April 25th 2022
Public announcement: Early May 2022
May 2022: Further development, additional sessions, additional consultation and focus groups.
June 2022: Selection of ideas for final development.
July-September 2022: Development digitisation or print or video making depending on creative content
October 2022: Launch TBC
Further details here.