Arts Council COVID-19 Survey

The Arts Council is conducting a survey among artists concerning the continued impact of COVID-19.
The survey will help the Arts Council assess both the financial impacts and the challenges to arts practice and also identify the needs arising for the future. It is a follow-up to the surveys issued to artists in 2020 and 2021 allowing for comparisons to be tracked over time.
Data from these previous surveys was presented to the Oireachtas Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media and informed the Arts Council’s submission to government for financial support in 2021 and 2022. This year’s survey will again provide important insights to inform work planning, policy development and advocacy.
This is a shorter survey than those issued previously. It does maintain consistency across key financial impact measures but does not ask artists to provide detailed financial data or extensive narrative.
Link to the survey here.
The submission deadline for the survey is Friday, 29th April 2022.