
Open Call | Next Generation Artists Award from the Arts Council

Recipients will receive €25,000.

The purpose of the Next Generation artists award is to support a group of promising artists across all disciplines at an early but pivotal stage in their career. Recipients will receive €25,000 and will also take part in a collective week-long residential programme in spring 2023. Joint applications and interdisciplinary applications are welcomed. The selection panel will comprise, a non-voting Council Chair, two Council members, and a number of external panellists. This award is designed to support emerging artists to:

  • buy time to develop their work and practice;
  • support unique development needs to advance their own practice (this might be through engagement with a mentor, research, non-formal study and/or non-vocational training, collaborative partnerships, etc.). Applicants must detail the development need that would most advance his or her career at this time.

It will prioritise those who;

  • demonstrate ambition and vision for their work;
  • show potential to develop and strengthen a distinctive and assured creative practice;
  • show how they will benefit artistically from timely support for their artistic development;
  • demonstrate in a compelling way how the award and financial investment of this level and at this particular time will have a transformative effect in bringing them to the next stage of their artistic development.

The closing date is 17:30, Thursday, 14th April 2022.

For more information and to apply click here.

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