Changes To Our Membership System

We are moving from a manual system to an automated one. It will give us more time to help you with your issues – time that is currently spent in chasing and processing payments.
‘Til now, fees fell due on 1st January each year. New members who joined at other times would be charged pro rata to the year-end.
The new system will allow new members and those who need to renew lapsed memberships to join at any time and the next payment will be a year from the date of payment. Reminders that payment is due will be sent 30 days/14/7 days before expiry.
Payments can be made securely on our website using Stripe. We do not retain any details of members bank accounts. If you haven’t yet paid, it will take a few clicks and you’re done.
The good news is that there is no increase in fees. The bad news is that members who have not paid their annual fees will not be able to access the added-value benefits of our new website:
• Listing on our new ‘Writing Talent In Ireland’ database.
• Our Newsletter.
• Access to events/courses run by WGI.
• Access to ‘The Writers Toolbox’ – a collection of exclusive articles covering every aspect of your professional career.
Why The Changes Are Necessary
In addition to the services you have come to expect from the guild: contract advice, market information and networking events, we have added ‘Writing Talent In Ireland’ , a searchable database which makes you visible to producers – vetted by WGI – who are seeking writers for their projects, and directors who are seeking writers to collaborate with, a redesigned Newsletter with all the latest information about industry news, events, competitions and funding deadlines, and the Writers Toolbox – where you will find a range of useful information and up-to-date guides on all aspects of your professional career.
Our membership is at its highest level since the establishment of the guild. Paying your fees expresses solidarity with the guild and your fellow writers. It demonstrates your commitment to see writing continue to grow and professionalise; and to insist on fair and equitable business practices with proportional remuneration for its members.
We know that the pandemic has had a huge impact on writers’ careers, and on your earning potential. If you are in a position to pay your fees, we’d encourage you to do so. If you are in a position where you can’t pay your fees, do contact the office and we will try to work out an arrangement for you.