Screen Ireland Recoupment Corridor
Fís Éireann / Screen Ireland has introduced changes to its recoupment corridor structure which apply to Screen Ireland funded projects contracted after 1 October 2019. The changes will enable Irish writers, Irish directors, and Irish producers to share in the revenues generated by their feature film, television drama, feature documentaries and animated productions. Under the new recoupment corridor system the Irish writer, Irish director, and Irish producer of a qualifying production are now entitled to share in a recoupment corridor of 60% subject to certain terms and conditions.
A few notes about the corridor,
- A total of 60% is recoupable broken down as
40% to Production Company
10% to Irish Writer
10% to Irish Director.
- Recoupment kicks in at €1,000.
- The total amount that can be recouped is 10% of the production loan i.e. if the loan was €500,000, a writer may claim up to €50,000.
- You can apply many times but can not exceed 10% of the production loan.
- If you are a writer & director of a project you may claim 20%.
- It is a state aid requirement that the expenditure of this payment adheres to guidelines and must be spent on development, production, research, distribution or training.
This really is a great initiative on behalf of Screen Ireland and we advise that you familiarise yourself with the full guidelines which are available here as you could be a beneficiary.
It is recommended that you contact [email protected] in advance of making a claim to see if there is any corridor credit available to your project.