Membership Information

You have selected the Producer membership level.

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Terms & Conditions

By ticking this box I give my consent to allow The Writers’ Guild of Ireland to use the information I have provided so that I can be provided with access to information relating to WGI members. I also understand that WGI members will have access to the information I have provided. I confirm that if I contact a WGI member with a view to offering them work, I will make sure to offer them a fair contract, including fair remuneration and terms. I agree to respect the writer; their work; their copyright and where a contract is agreed, to respect the terms of that contract.

I also understand that if a writer chooses not to contact me following my request for contact, that decision is solely for the writer and I will respect it. Furthermore I understand that it is at the sole discretion of the Writers’ Guild of Ireland whether or not to allow me to access information relating to its members and that the Writers’ Guild of Ireland retain the right to terminate my access if they so choose, without any obligation to provide any reason for such termination.

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