
Autumn Courses from A Dramatic Improvement

Story consultants Rachel and Mary Kate O Flanagan are offering their popular online programmes this autumn. Limited to ten participants per course.

Story consultants Rachel and Mary Kate O Flanagan are offering their popular online programmes this autumn. Limited to ten participants per course. 

Making Each Scene A Mini-Masterpiece:

There is a specific art to crafting a scene which is known to few screenwriters. Once you master it, each scene becomes a mini-masterpiece, making your writing rich, expressive and compelling. 

In this 7-week online programme you can learn how to write and rewrite every scene in your screenplay for maximum impact on your reader and then your audience. A one-hour individual consultation with your tutor is included in this programme.

Commencing September 11th 2024.

Fee: €499 (Early Bird Discount: €100 or 15% off to WGI Members).

More information or to book a place:

Idea to Outline:

Take that idea you’ve been thinking about and turn into a compelling outline in 7 weeks. We will cover overall structure, narrative momentum, character definition and there will be a bonus session on creating a pitch deck at the end of the course. A one-hour individual consultation with your tutor is included in this programme.

Commencing September 3rd 2024.

Fee: €499 (Early Bird Discount: €100 or 15% off to WGI Members).

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