
Europe Beyond Access: Survey about Accessibility in Higher Performing Arts Education


Europe Beyonce Access, the biggest trans-national project in the world supporting Disabled and Deaf artists to break the glass ceilings of contemporary dance and theatre,  are actively trying to engage with professional and educational performing arts organisations across Europe, to gather research on the accessibility of the Performing Arts Higher Education sector.

Europe Beyond Access and the cultural mobility network On The Move are once again undertaking research into the accessibility of the European cultural sector. Their previous report, Time To Act, was read in Ministries, Arts Councils and even on the floor of Parliaments around Europe.

Europe Beyonce Access, want to understand the barriers faced by artists and students with disabilities, but also to understand the barriers that prevent these education institutions from becoming more accessible.

Europe Beyond Access have launched 3 Surveys:

  • One for Disabled* Performing Artists and Performing Arts Professionals (including those in training) *including those with disabilities, and those who are Deaf, Neurodivergent and chronically ill.
  • One for Higher Education Institutions in the Performing Arts
  • One for Performing Arts Organisations.

All of the surveys can be found here. 

The deadline is 20 March.

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